Pra­cti­cal Peda­go­gies i Toulouse

Rus­sel Tarr har kon­tak­tet for­e­nin­gen for at rek­la­me­re for sin kon­fe­ren­ce d. 15–16/10  for histo­ri­e­læ­re­re på den inter­na­tio­na­le sko­le i Toulouse.

70 wor­ks­hops for både pri­mary og secon­dary tea­chers  — det ser spæn­den­de ud.

Læs mere her.


Rus­sel Tarr

I am Head of History at the Inter­na­tio­nal School of Toulou­se. Pri­or to this I wor­ked at Wol­ver­hamp­ton Gram­mar School. I have a degre­ee in Modern History from Lady Mar­ga­ret Hall, Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty. I am also a ful­ly-qua­li­fied tea­cher with a PGCE from the School of Educa­tion at Bir­m­ing­ham University.


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