Brin­ging History To Life


4. april 2019 til 7. april 2019 
Hele dagen 


Scan­dic Gdansk
9 Podwa­le Grodzkie, Gdansk, 80–895


It is safe to assu­me that history educa­tors like lear­ning history and want to know more. As a result, they deve­l­op a deep histo­ri­cal know­led­ge, which helps them to make mea­ning­ful con­nections, see new infor­ma­tion in its histo­ri­cal con­te­xt and ask questions to gui­de research and rea­ding. Stu­dents of history do not neces­sa­rily have the­se advan­ta­ges, and also did not always choo­se to learn history. This leads to one of the key chal­len­ges for history educa­tors: How to inte­r­est all stu­dents in lear­ning history? How to bring history to life? Want to learn more? Come to the 26th EUROCLIO Annu­al Con­fe­ren­ce in Gdańsk, Poland, from 4–7 April 2019!
