Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

Kategori: Artikler

The Silk Routes

The first con­ta­ct betwe­en the peop­le who inha­bi­ted the remo­te areas of Eura­sia took pla­ce in pre­hi­story. In later peri­ods, various pro­ducts found their way from East to West and vice ver­sa. In addi­tion to arti­fa­cts, mate­ri­als, resour­ces, ani­mals and plants, the exchan­ge of ideas, know­led­ge and expe­ri­en­ces, human migra­tion, but also the trans­mis­sion of various pat­ho­gens were sig­ni­fi­cant. The most famous rou­te or the net­work of roads con­nected east and west of Eura­sia was cal­led the Silk Road. The name Silk Road (Sei­den­straße) was coi­ned by the Ger­man geo­grap­her Fer­di­nand von Rich­t­ho­fen in the second half of the 19th century. […]

Fra land til by

Lands­by­en Åsted og sta­tions­by­en Tol­ne lig­ger beg­ge min­dre end 20 kilo­me­ter fra Fre­de­riks­havn. Men for 100 år siden kun­ne den­ne afstand udgø­re to ver­de­ner: Land med sto­re soci­a­le skel, præ­get af begræns­nin­ger og for man­ge men­ne­sker dår­li­ge bolig- og leve­vil­kår, fami­li­er med man­ge børn – ægte som uæg­te – under sam­me tag, ofte med for­æl­dre på aftægt. Og med hårdt fysi­ske arbej­de fra en tid­lig alder, på arbejds­gi­ve­rens vil­kår. Byen som man­ge på lan­det hør­te om og måske også ople­ve­de som fri­hed og mulig­he­der, også for unge fra små kår på lan­det. Min mor­far kom fra et sådant små­kårs­hjem: et lil­le hus­mands­sted hvor faderen […]

The Chin­e­se educa­tion system

The capi­tal of China is Bei­jing which means Nort­hern Capi­tal (bei-jing) and has been in con­trast to Sout­hern Capi­tal (nan-jing) or Nanjing. The first humans have lived here from 700 000 to 200 000 years ago and this human type is known as Peking man (Homo erectus peki­ne­sis). On the site of Zhoukou­di­an near Bei­jing were found aro­und 40 human remains and this loca­tion is foun­ding point of human sett­le­ment in the Bei­jing region. During the time, Bei­jing has chan­ged its importan­ce up to the 15th cen­tury and the dynasty of Ming when beco­mes impe­ri­al capi­tal. The Chin­e­se educa­tion system

For­bid­den city: how Bei­jing was founded

Bei­jing or nort­hern capi­tal has been one of the most exci­ting cities in the con­tem­porary wor­ld and one of the wor­ld capi­tals today. It is a mix of tra­di­tio­nal Chin­e­se neig­h­bour­hoods and hou­ses cal­led hutong (胡同) and modern skyscrap­pers. Alt­hough the cul­tu­ral her­i­ta­ge of Bei­jing con­sists of dif­fe­rent archi­tec­tu­re, histo­ri­cal remains and events –to men­tion Sum­mer Pala­ce, Tian­tan or Temp­le of Hea­ven, Gre­at Wall, Tia­nan­men Squa­re, the­re is a pla­ce whe­re eve­ryt­hing star­ted: For­bid­den city.

Educa­tion in Anci­ent Egypt

Bar Ankh’ is the name by which our pha­ra­o­hs ance­stors knew the school and its mea­ning is the hou­se of life… In the mea­ning lies the value and con­tent that the school car­ri­es and the role it plays in the life of socie­ty, but the ance­stors’ inte­r­e­sts in the school rea­ched the point of cal­ling it ‘the hou­se of life’, mea­ning that educa­tion end sci­en­ce is about life… Archa­e­o­lo­gi­cal discove­ri­es have proven the exi­sten­ce of schools in dif­fe­rent areas throug­hout anci­ent Egypt, as the­re was a school aro­und the (Rames­se­um) temp­le and ano­t­her in the city mona­ste­ry in the The­bes Cemetery […]

The impa­ct of French Colo­ni­a­lism on Tunisia

As a citizen of a nati­ve coun­try Tuni­sia, which was once colo­nized by the French, I have thought deeply about the impa­ct that French colo­ni­a­lism made on our pre­sent sta­te and peop­le. It is real­ly a con­tro­ver­si­al issue; some Tuni­si­ans think that the French influ­en­ce is posi­ti­ve; howe­ver others belie­ve that it is nega­ti­ve. So I’m going to talk about the most important effects befo­re and after inde­pen­den­ce in 1956, with more focus on the impa­ct nowa­days. To start with, it is obvious I didn’t wit­ness colo­niza­tion, but I live its impa­ct on me and socie­ty. Tuni­sia was the first […]

The city of Val­je­vo as hospital

In the First Wor­ld War (1914–1918), 32 nations par­ti­ci­pa­ted. At the time, Ser­bia was not a mem­ber of any alli­an­ce. Just a year ear­li­er, the young, small and poor King­dom of Ser­bia had emer­ged from the Bal­kan Wars. Phy­si­cal­ly worn and mili­ta­rily exhau­sted, she neit­her wan­ted nor was rea­dy for ano­t­her war.         All hospi­tals in Ser­bia lack­ed doctors and other medi­cal per­son­nel, medi­ci­ne, medi­cal equip­ment, and eve­ryt­hing that was nee­ded for the woun­ded and sick. The­re is no examp­le in history of such a lar­ge army going to war with such a small num­ber of doctors. The­re were only 470 […]

For­fra — om udfor­drin­gen ved at skri­ve i historie

Som under­vi­se­re og opga­ve­vej­le­de­re ken­der vi det så godt. Selv når vores ele­ver har fået grun­dig vej­led­ning føler de sig i man­ge til­fæl­de ikke helt klar på, hvor­dan det lige er de skal gri­be deres opga­ve­skriv­ning an.Det er alle de ele­ver og ikke mindst deres lære­re, jeg har tænkt mig at skri­ve den­ne opkla­ren­de for­tæl­ling til: Du er slet ikke ale­ne … Det er helt åben­bart udfor­dren­de at skri­ve histo­rie. Selv man­ge uni­ver­si­tetsan­sat­te histo­ri­ke­re, som har brugt mas­ser af deres tid på at under­vi­se stu­de­ren­de i fagets meto­der, føler sig ofte meget udfor­dret, når de selv skal give sig i kast med at […]

For­hold­stalsvalg til Fol­ke­tin­get i Danmark

I Noter nr. 218/ sep­tem­ber 2018, som har 1. ver­denskrig som tema, behand­les den ny Grund­lov af 1915 i en enkelt arti­kel. Nem­lig den som Pia Fris Laneth skri­ver om kvin­ders og tyen­des ind­dra­gel­se i den poli­ti­ske pro­ces. For­må­let med ind­læg­get her er at beret­te, hvor­dan valg­sy­ste­met til Fol­ke­tin­get blev ændret fra enkelt­mand­skred­se via en — lidt kik­set — valg­lov i 1915 til en vel­fun­ge­ren­de lov om for­hold­stalstal i 1920. Fra Lanet­hs arti­kel fik vi med, hvor­dan De Kon­ser­va­ti­ve hav­de et yderst ambi­va­lent for­hold til nye valg­love for beg­ge kam­re – også blandt kon­ser­va­ti­ve kvin­der. For Landstin­get blev resul­ta­tet af ændringerne […]