Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

Euro­clio søger 2 lære­re til under­vis­ning i EU-historie

Call for 7 Natio­nal Coor­di­na­tors of Local Events on Tea­ching about the EU,  Addres­sed to: presi­dents and/or con­ta­ct per­sons of history tea­chers’ asso­ci­a­tions in the Euro­pe­an Union.

Asso­ci­a­tion: Danish History Tea­chers’ Association

Dear David Kyng,

EUROCLIO — Euro­pe­an Asso­ci­a­tion of History Educa­tors is hap­py to sha­re with our mem­ber orga­ni­sa­tions, the Call for Natio­nal Coor­di­na­tors for our exci­ting new pro­ject Deci­sions and Dilem­mas: How to make lear­ning about the EU moti­vat­ing and mea­ning­ful. This year-long pro­ject aims to sup­port educa­tors across Euro­pe to teach about the Euro­pe­an Uni­on in a way that is mea­ning­ful and moti­vat­ing for stu­dents. Our main objecti­ve with this pro­ject is to trans­la­te and spre­ad the con­tent and educa­tio­nal mate­ri­als deve­l­oped in three pre­vious pro­jects during natio­nal trai­ning events. The three pre­vious pro­jects are:

  • Deci­sions and Dilem­mas I: Lear­ning about the EU from a histo­ri­cal perspective.
  • Deci­sions and Dilem­mas II: expl­or­ing the Euro­pe­an Uni­on History through the lens of con­tem­porary issues.
  • Tea­ching ‘Euro­pe’ to enhan­ce EU cohe­sion: Euro­pe­an inte­gra­tion as a sub­ject of stu­dy in secon­dary school educa­tion in the 28 mem­ber states.

Deci­sions and Dilem­mas” furt­her dis­se­mi­na­tes the deve­l­oped mate­ri­als in more coun­tri­es, by offe­ring the mate­ri­als in local langu­a­ges. We plan to work in seven Euro­pe­an Uni­on Mem­ber Sta­tes. For each coun­try we are look­ing for one coor­di­na­tor and one trai­ner. The natio­nal coor­di­na­tor is co-respon­sib­le for the trans­la­tion pro­cess of 2 mate­ri­als in the local langu­a­ge, and for orga­nizing an event in his/her respecti­ve coun­try, using the mate­ri­als deve­l­oped wit­hin “Deci­sions and Dilem­mas”. The trai­ner is respon­sib­le for (part of) the trai­ning and wor­ks­hops during the natio­nal event and one other natio­nal event.

In short, we are look­ing for seven natio­nal coor­di­na­tors, to orga­nize a local trai­ning in their respecti­ve coun­try with trans­la­ted mate­ri­als and results of the­se three pre­vious pro­jects, and toget­her with the trai­ners to attend the train the trai­ner event in Febru­ary 2018.

Strong pre­fe­ren­ce is given to can­di­da­tes who have been part of Deci­sions and Dilem­mas I/II and Tea­ching Euro­pe, espe­ci­al­ly for the posi­tion of trai­ner, due to their exi­sting know­led­ge of the educa­tio­nal materials.

What do we expect from the coordinator?

  • Par­ti­ci­pa­te in a three-day train the trai­ner event, from 9 to 11 Febru­ary 2018 in Bel­gi­um or The Netherlands.
  • Appo­int a trai­ner from your own country.
  • Deci­de on which 2 resour­ces will be trans­la­ted into local language(s), and proof­re­ad the trans­la­tions. (Trans­la­tion bud­get is available.)
  • Orga­nize a natio­nal trai­ning of 1.5 days in your own coun­try betwe­en March and August 2018.

Becau­se the fun­ding of this pro­ject is based on the num­ber of peop­le par­ti­ci­pat­ing in the­se events, we are look­ing for a mini­mum of 10–50 local par­ti­ci­pants and up to 10 par­ti­ci­pants tra­ve­ling >100 km (or ano­t­her com­po­si­tion depen­ding on the coun­try context).


What would EUROCLIO offer the coor­di­na­tor and trainer?

  • A gre­at opportu­ni­ty to work in an inter­na­tio­nal team and gain the expe­ri­en­ce of orga­nizing a local event.
  • Covera­ge of costs for par­ti­ci­pat­ing in mee­tings (inclu­ding tra­vel and stay).
  • Qua­li­ty mate­ri­als trans­la­ted in local languages.
  • Wor­ks­hops on how to work with the mate­ri­als during the train the trai­ner event.
  • A fee of EUR 300 for the coor­di­na­tor, and EUR 200 for the trainer.


How should the coor­di­na­tor apply?

Indi­vi­du­als inte­r­e­sted in par­ti­ci­pat­ing, should apply by sen­ding a moti­va­tion let­ter to Laris­sa Wie­gel­mann (larissa@euroclio.eu), befo­re 3 Decem­ber 2017. Appli­cants should inclu­de infor­ma­tion on who should be the recom­men­ded trai­ner, as well as a let­ter of sup­port from the appli­cant’s school, insti­tu­tion, or asso­ci­a­tion. We will inform appli­cants in the week of 4 Decem­ber on the selection, and arran­ge tra­vel and accom­moda­tion for the train the trai­ner event befo­re 23 December.

More infor­ma­tion about the resour­ces used in the project
In this docu­ment, more infor­ma­tion is inclu­ded about the resour­ces used in the Deci­sions and Dilem­mas pro­ject. The resour­ces are also avai­lab­le on Histo­ri­a­na.

We trust that you will dis­se­mi­na­te this call among rele­vant sta­ke­hol­ders of your mem­ber orga­ni­sa­tion. We are look­ing forward to recei­ving applications!


Kind regards,

Judith Geer­ling
Secre­ta­ri­at, Seni­or Pro­ject Manager

Riouw­straat 139 | 2585 HP The Hague | The Netherlands
T: +31 703817836 | M: +31 6 27200820
Sky­pe: judith.a.geerling | Email: judith@euroclio.eu


For­mand for for­e­nin­gen 2017–19 | Pedel på historielaerer.dk

Under­vi­ser på Her­ning Gymnasium

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