Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

På man­dag den 25/6 kl. 18:30 — 19:30 er der mulig­hed for at lære at bru­ge mate­ri­a­lepor­ta­ler­ne Histo­ri­a­na og Euro­pe­a­na i et onli­ne-semi­nar på eTwin­ning. Det er gra­tis at del­ta­ge og kræ­ver kun at du opret­ter en bru­ger på eTwinning:

On 14 May, EUROCLIO hosted an eTwin­ning semi­nar on how to use the Histo­ri­a­na e‑Activity buil­der in com­bi­na­tion with the Euro­pe­a­na Col­lections. If you were not able to attend this first edi­tion, don’t panic! On 25 June, we will host the second edi­tion of the eTwin­ning onli­ne semi­nar, to explain how you can design lear­ning acti­vi­ties with Histo­ri­a­na, using sour­ces from the Euro­pe­a­na Collections.

As a history, her­i­ta­ge, or citizens­hip educa­tor, you are qui­te like­ly alre­a­dy fami­li­ar with the Euro­pe­a­na Col­lections. The plat­form holds an incre­dib­le amo­unt of use­ful sour­ces, all acces­sib­le for free. More­over, for eve­ry sour­ce, copy­right infor­ma­tion is provi­ded as a gui­de for how to use the mate­ri­al. In short, the Euro­pe­a­na Col­lections are an extre­me­ly use­ful resour­ce for educa­tors who want to use more (digi­ti­sed) pri­mary sour­ces in their lessons.

Howe­ver, in order to unlo­ck the full poten­ti­al of the Euro­pe­a­na Col­lections, it is important to learn how to navi­ga­te this plat­form. This is why EUROCLIO, in col­la­bo­ra­tion with Euro­pe­a­na, is hosting trai­nings to bring the­se skills to tea­chers throug­hout Europe.

Læs mere hos Euroclio


For­mand for for­e­nin­gen 2017–19 | Pedel på historielaerer.dk

Under­vi­ser på Her­ning Gymnasium

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