Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

Del­tag i inter­na­tio­nalt udvik­lings­pro­jekt om EU’s historie

Euro­clio søger histo­ri­e­læ­re­re som vil del­ta­ge i et spæn­den­de inter­na­tio­nalt pro­jekt, som hand­ler om at udvik­le under­vis­nings­ma­te­ri­a­ler og ‑akti­vi­te­ter om EU’s histo­rie set i lyset af aktu­el­le begi­ven­he­der. Ansøg­nings­frist for at del­ta­ge i pro­jek­tet er 11/12 2015. Se nær­me­re her:

Dear fri­ends of EUROCLIO, 

Plea­se con­si­der the fol­lowing opportu­ni­ty that might be of inte­r­est of you.

Call for Deve­l­op­ment Team Mem­bers for New Pro­ject on Tea­ching EU through con­tem­porary issues

EUROCLIO has acqui­red a new pro­ject wit­hin the Histo­ri­a­na pro­gram­me: “Deci­sions and Dilem­mas: Expl­or­ing Euro­pe­an Uni­on history through the lens of con­tem­porary issu­es”. The pro­ject will run for 2 years (from 1 Sep­tem­ber 2015 until 31 August 2017) and will be imple­men­ted by EUROCLIO. The pro­ject will result in educa­tio­nal mate­ri­als on 5 key issu­es. We are look­ing for 1 or 2 history educa­tors and 2 or 3 resear­chers to join the deve­l­op­ment team that will be respon­sib­le for the deve­l­op­ment and testing of the lear­ning mate­ri­als. The dead­li­ne for appli­ca­tions is 11 Decem­ber 2015.

The pro­ject

The pro­ject is strong­ly lin­ked to and in part a con­ti­nu­a­tion of the establis­hed EUROCLIO pro­ject Deci­sions and Dilem­mas: Lear­ning about the EU from a histo­ri­cal per­specti­ve. This has focu­sed upon the ori­gins of the EU from the per­specti­ve of ordi­nary citizens in the years just after WW2, the long search for sta­bi­li­ty in Euro­pe star­ting with the Pea­ce of Westp­ha­lia in 1648 and how the EU has had to adapt and evol­ve in the con­te­xt of its time. In this second pha­se we will build on this work.


For us, as an orga­ni­sa­tion pro­mo­ting history educa­tion, it is important that our appro­ach should use the past to under­stand the pre­sent, i.e. to under­stand the dilem­mas and pro­blems facing the EU today and how it is trying to resol­ve them.  That means hel­ping stu­dents to under­stand that the EU is not sim­ply an inter­g­over­n­men­tal orga­ni­sa­tion like NATO or the UN, but that it is also a dyna­mic poli­ti­cal system trying to medi­a­te betwe­en the needs of its mem­ber sta­tes and electo­ra­tes, whi­le at the same time adap­ting and respon­ding to chan­ges in the exter­nal wor­ld. We want stu­dents to under­stand the big­ger picture.


The acti­vi­ties to be developed

Each acti­vi­ty needs to con­tain mate­ri­al to illu­stra­te the Euro­pe­an Uni­on in the glo­bal wor­ld, its insti­tu­tions in action and EU valu­es.  The acti­vi­ties will in part be living the valu­es.  They will show that imple­men­ting the valu­es in a com­mon way has been / is chal­len­ging, and why.  The acti­vi­ties will take con­tem­porary dilem­mas and draw up their histo­ri­cal con­te­xt in order to inform stu­dents’ under­stan­ding of why we are whe­re we are and why dif­fe­rent par­ties act the way they do.

The key issu­es that we will look at are:

  1. Eco­no­mic imba­lan­ces in Euro­pe’ and the regio­nal divi­sions (cen­tre-perip­he­ry) wit­hin the EU. Thoughts for con­tent inclu­de: does the north now think they have one model that fits all for the who­le EU – manu­fa­c­turing and ope­ning up mar­kets?  Is the­re far less con­cern about the impli­ca­tions for peop­le if we have more open tra­ding relationships?
  2. Ener­gy depen­den­cy – the issue is depen­den­ce and the impli­ca­tions of depen­den­cy and the securi­ty issu­es relat­ing to this.  How con­cer­ned should Euro­pe be about ener­gy dependence?
  3. Tra­de in a glo­bal con­te­xtthe EU as a tra­de power. This issue inclu­des the push for uni­ver­sal valu­es, which are actu­al­ly con­te­sted, the pene­tra­tion of the outer wor­ld and the impli­ca­tions. It looks at the glo­bal con­te­xt as oppo­sed to regio­na­lism.  How does the EU exerci­se its tra­ding power? Does the EU under­stand the impli­ca­tions of this power? 
  4. Euro­pe as a poten­ti­al glo­bal power – this issue does not look at the tra­de and eco­no­mic aspect, but at con­fli­ct, con­fli­ct reso­lu­tion, pos­sibly inter­na­tio­nal deve­l­op­ment aid and human rights. The Euro­pe­an Com­mu­ni­ty star­ted off as a power con­cer­ned with its eastern bor­der, and moves to wor­rying about con­fli­ct on its bor­ders and to asser­ting itself over human rights.  Whe­re does the EU’s poli­ti­cal power come from? What are the pull and push factors for a coun­try wan­ting to coo­pe­ra­te EU-wide or act alone?
  5. Ope­ning Europe’s bor­ders for peop­le’ (ter­r­o­rism) and bor­der con­trols in Schen­gen wor­ld – are our bor­ders now under thre­at? The­re are some power­ful ima­ges inclu­ding the refu­gee cri­sis after the Second Wor­ld War and now, com­pa­ri­sons betwe­en the Ber­lin wall and the cur­rent pra­cti­se of buil­ding a wall in Hungary. Using the disci­pli­ne of history we will look at the evi­den­ce base. Lear­ning outco­mes might inclu­de that the EU can­not sol­ve all pro­blems, the issue is com­plex, and the­re is a sha­red respon­si­bi­li­ty on each level.


The offer:

The costs for par­ti­ci­pa­tion to the mee­tings (inclu­ding tra­vel, accom­moda­tion and sub­si­sten­ce) will be ful­ly cove­red by the pro­ject. This is a gre­at chan­ce to work in an inter­na­tio­nal team, for a wort­hwhi­le and inte­r­e­sting pro­ject, which will give par­ti­ci­pants expe­ri­en­ce in research and/or peda­go­gi­cal issu­es, and lead to your work being publis­hed on Histo­ri­a­na under Com­mons Licen­ce.  The­re will be cul­tu­ral aspects to the pro­gram­me during each team mee­ting.  Final­ly, eve­ry team mem­ber will recei­ve a fee of 500 euros for their work.


The expecta­tions:

As a deve­l­op­ment team mem­ber you are expected to:

  • Work in pairs on the issu­es (1 educa­tor, 1 researcher)
  • Research con­tent and design con­tent mate­ri­al and a lear­ning acti­vi­ty for 2 of the 5 pro­ject areas;
  • Take part in face-to-face and onli­ne wor­king meetings;
  • Research and work in betwe­en mee­tings to pre­pa­re mate­ri­al and acti­vi­ties for discus­sion, tri­al and furt­her deve­l­op­ment at mee­tings.  Then to take on fol­low-up work after meetings;
  • Pilo­ting and peer reviewing of the mate­ri­al with col­le­agu­es and at EUROCLIO events;
  • Provi­de trai­ning in the com­ple­ted mate­ri­al during the final training;

Be avai­lab­le for the first team mee­ting from 15–17 Janu­ary 2016 in York, Uni­ted Kingdom.


To apply, plea­se send your CV, Let­ter of Moti­va­tion and Let­ter of Sup­port from your school, insti­tu­te or asso­ci­a­tion to judith@euroclio.eu befo­re 11 Decem­ber 2015.

The selection will be based on moti­va­tion, expe­ri­en­ce, geo­grap­hi­cal balan­ce, gen­der balan­ce, and abi­li­ty to con­tri­bu­te to pilo­ting, trai­ning and deve­l­op­ment to make sure the team has all the skills nee­ded to meet its respon­si­bi­li­ties and to get as good a geo­grap­hi­cal spre­ad as possible.


The met­ho­do­lo­gies we want to use inclu­de scrip­ted dra­ma, case stu­dy, deci­sion making acti­vi­ty, deba­te, and pro­ject work. 


For­mand for for­e­nin­gen fra 2013–17

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