Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

Wor­ld Con­gress of School History Teachers

4. okto­ber 2021 til 7. okto­ber 2021 
Hele dagen 

Call for par­ti­ci­pants to the The Wor­ld Con­gress of School History Teachers

The Wor­ld Con­gress of School History Tea­chers offers a unique opportu­ni­ty for history educa­tors to meet col­le­agu­es from all across the wor­ld, to discuss seve­ral key aspects of History Educa­tion today. The Natio­nal Com­mit­tee of Rus­si­an Histo­ri­ans, who is hosting the Wor­ld Con­gress, has invi­ted Euro­Clio to host seve­ral ses­sions, and to invi­te col­le­agu­es from Euro­pe via an open call for participants.

What is on offer?

Over four days, you will have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to dive into the topi­cs of: how is history tack­led in dif­fe­rent school systems, what is the pur­po­se of history, and natio­nal exams; what is the role of the history text book today, and how are trans­na­tio­nal  text­books cre­a­ted; how to teach con­tro­ver­si­al topi­cs; tea­ching about revo­lu­tions in wor­ld history, and about the second wor­ld war; onli­ne tea­ching; the Coun­cil of Euro­pe Obser­va­tory on History Tea­ching. The Con­gress will be held in Eng­lish and Russian.

For more infor­ma­tion on the pro­gram­me, plea­se cli­ck here.

All costs to par­ti­ci­pa­te to the Wor­ld Con­gress (inclu­ding tra­vel, accom­moda­tion, and board) will be cove­red by the hosts. If nee­ded, sup­port with visa appli­ca­tions (inclu­ding invi­ta­tions) will also be provided.

Who are we look­ing for?

We are look­ing for par­ti­ci­pants who:

  • Are invol­ved in history educa­tion as tea­chers, text­book aut­hors, cur­ri­culum deve­l­o­pers, exam experts, tea­cher trai­ner, or muse­um educa­tors, or are pro­fes­sio­nal historians;
  • Have a good com­mand of Eng­lish and/or Russian.
  • Will be able to attend the con­gress, onli­ne or in-per­son, for its full dura­tion: from 4 to 7 Octo­ber 2021.
  • Are living and wor­king in the one of the coun­tri­es of the Coun­cil of Europe.

We are not look­ing only for experts, but for can­di­da­tes who are keen and moti­va­ted to join the Con­gress, sha­re their know­led­ge and expe­ri­en­ces with their peers and at the same time stay open for learning.

If you are inte­r­e­sted to join the con­gress, but do not satis­fy the requi­re­ments, plea­se reach out to us at alice@euroclio.eu.




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