What is History for?


28. april 2022 til 1. maj 2022 
Hele dagen 


Bolog­na, Bologna 


Euro­Clio Annu­al Con­fe­ren­ce, Pro­fes­sio­nal Deve­l­op­ment and Trai­ning Course

Euro­Clio – Euro­pe­an Asso­ci­a­tion of History Educa­tors and Clio ‘92 (the Asso­ci­a­tion of Research Groups on History Tea­ching and Lear­ning)  are exci­ted and honou­red to launch the 28th Euro­Clio Annu­al Con­fe­ren­ce: “What is History for?”, that will take pla­ce in Bolog­na, Ita­ly from April 28th  to May 1st 2021.

During the Annu­al con­fe­ren­ce toget­her with the par­ti­ci­pants we can depart from the simp­lest defi­ni­tions for the pur­po­ses of History and dive dee­per into the question, shed­ding light on the more com­plex and bro­ad answers to the question “what is history for?”, but more important­ly what is history for each and eve­ry one of us.

We will welco­me more than 75 moti­va­ted history and citizens­hip educa­tors from all across the Old Con­ti­nent and offer a rich pro­gram­me, full of acti­ve wor­ks­hops, key­no­te lec­tu­res, net­wor­king and discus­sion ses­sions, along with a num­ber of  cul­tu­ral acti­vi­ties.  The programme’s main focus will be on the topic of “What is history for?” with the help of educa­tio­nal mate­ri­als deve­l­oped by Clio ‘92 and Euro­Clio and it will act also as a plat­form for sha­ring new ini­ti­a­ti­ves on history education.

We are very exci­ted to see mem­bers of the Euro­Clio com­mu­ni­ty get toget­her for the first time after the 2020–2021 Covid19 Pan­de­mic and we aim to ensu­re an exci­ting and pro­ducti­ve expe­ri­en­ce for our participants.

Læs mere hos Euroclio
