Giving women and femi­ni­ni­ty a voi­ce in the history of the Nor­dic countries


7. august 2018 til 10. august 2018 


Skal­holt, Iceland
801 Sel­fos­si , Skalholt 


Nor­dic History Tea­cher Semi­nar at Skál­holt, August 7–11 2018.

Semi­nar the­me: Giving women and femi­ni­ni­ty a voi­ce in the histoy of the Nor­dic coun­tri­es. Look­ing at History and History tea­ching from a femi­nist point of view.

-The sche­du­le below is sub­ject to chan­ge, but we expect the depar­tu­re and arri­val time to and from Reykjavik to remain unchanged-

Tues­day, August 7:

  • 15:00 — Depar­tu­re from BSI cen­tral bus sta­tion in Reykjavik cen­ter to Skál­holt venue. This is the bus sta­tion whe­re the Reykjavik Excur­sions Fly­bus from Keflavik Air­port arrives.
  • 16:00 — Wal­king tour aro­und Thin­g­vel­lir Natio­nal Park
  • 18:00 — Arri­val to Skál­holt, din­ner and a short intro­duction of the are

Wed­nes­day, August 8:

  • Lec­tu­res and discus­sions on gen­der equa­li­ty in the Nor­dic coun­tri­es, in history and history textbooks.
  • 09:00 — Breakfast
  • 10:00 — Lec­tu­re: Is the natio­nal histo­ri­cal nar­ra­ti­ve exclu­si­ve­ly male? (To be con­fir­med) Discussion
  • 12:30 — Lunch break
  • 13:30 — Lec­tu­re: Attemp­ting to chan­ge the histo­ri­cal nar­ra­ti­ve in text­books: A case stu­dy. Fol­lowed by discussions.
  • 15:00 — Excur­sion by bus to the area aro­und Skálholt
  • Din­ner tba


Thurs­day, August 9:

  • 09:00 — Breakfast
  • 10:00 — Wor­ks­hops and acti­vi­ties plan­ned by hosts and guests. Tba, but keepi­ng the the­me of the semi­nar in mind. If you would like to do a workshop/discussion group, plea­se con­ta­ct us.
  • 12:30 — Lunch
  • 13:30 — Histo­ri­cal tour aro­und the area by bus, with a visit to a geo­t­her­mal pool (bring bat­hing suit!)
  • Din­ner and final recep­tion tba.

Fri­day, August 10:

  • 10:00 — Breakfast
  • 11:00 — Tba
  • 13:00 — Depar­tu­re to Reykjavik after lunch
  • 14:30 — Arri­val to Reykjavik. Optio­nal bus and wal­king tour aro­und Reykjavik.


Important: Keep in mind that alt­hough the­re is a restau­rant at our venue, the­re are no sto­res or shops wit­hin a wal­king distan­ce from Skál­holt. Meals are provi­ded, and some items can be bought on our excur­sions aro­und the area, but we recom­mend you sto­ck up on sna­cks for per­so­nal use befo­re depar­ting from Reykjavik. This is espe­ci­al­ly the case for “sin­ging water”.
