Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

Inter­na­tio­nal kon­fe­ren­ce om kul­tu­rel­le ret­tig­he­der i København

Inter­na­tio­nal con­fe­ren­ce on cul­tu­ral rights, 13–14 Novem­ber in Copenhagen

Nego­ti­at­ing Cul­tu­ral Rights
13–14 Novem­ber 2015, Uni­ver­si­ty of Copen­ha­gen is orga­nizing an inter­na­tio­nal con­fe­ren­ce on cul­tu­ral rights based on the reports by Fari­da Sha­he­ed, the cur­rent UN Spe­ci­al Rap­por­t­eur in the field of cul­tu­ral rights. Fari­da Sha­he­ed will be pre­sent at this con­fe­ren­ce during which inter­na­tio­nal experts will com­ment on each of her reports rela­ted to dif­fe­rent the­mes: intel­lectu­al pro­per­ty rights, cul­tu­ral her­i­ta­ge, arti­stic fre­edom etc. Fari­da Shaheed’s suc­ces­sor as Spe­ci­al Rap­por­t­eur, Kari­ma Ben­no­u­ne, will also be present.

You can read more about the con­fe­ren­ce at pf.ku.dk.

See the pro­gram­me for Nego­ti­at­ing Cul­tu­ral Rights at pf.ku.fk.

The pri­ce for atten­ding the con­fe­ren­ce is 750 Dkr. (meals, cof­fee and the con­fe­ren­ce din­ner are included).
Regi­stra­tion and pay­ment is hand­led by Con­fe­ren­ce Mana­ger (conferencemanager.dk).
Dead­li­ne for regi­stra­tion is 1 Novem­ber, 2015 (or as long as tick­ets are available).


For­mand for for­e­nin­gen fra 2013–17

Arkiveret i kassen med Kurser

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