Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

Goran Djurdjevich

The Silk Routes

The first con­ta­ct betwe­en the peop­le who inha­bi­ted the remo­te areas of Eura­sia took pla­ce in pre­hi­story. In later peri­ods, various pro­ducts found their way from East to West and vice ver­sa. In addi­tion to arti­fa­cts, mate­ri­als, resour­ces, ani­mals and plants, the exchan­ge of ideas, know­led­ge and expe­ri­en­ces, human migra­tion, but also the trans­mis­sion of various pat­ho­gens were sig­ni­fi­cant. The most famous rou­te or the net­work of roads con­nected east and west of Eura­sia was cal­led the Silk Road. The name Silk Road (Sei­den­straße) was coi­ned by the Ger­man geo­grap­her Fer­di­nand von Rich­t­ho­fen in the second half of the 19th century. […]

The Chin­e­se educa­tion system

The capi­tal of China is Bei­jing which means Nort­hern Capi­tal (bei-jing) and has been in con­trast to Sout­hern Capi­tal (nan-jing) or Nanjing. The first humans have lived here from 700 000 to 200 000 years ago and this human type is known as Peking man (Homo erectus peki­ne­sis). On the site of Zhoukou­di­an near Bei­jing were found aro­und 40 human remains and this loca­tion is foun­ding point of human sett­le­ment in the Bei­jing region. During the time, Bei­jing has chan­ged its importan­ce up to the 15th cen­tury and the dynasty of Ming when beco­mes impe­ri­al capi­tal. The Chin­e­se educa­tion system

For­bid­den city: how Bei­jing was founded

Bei­jing or nort­hern capi­tal has been one of the most exci­ting cities in the con­tem­porary wor­ld and one of the wor­ld capi­tals today. It is a mix of tra­di­tio­nal Chin­e­se neig­h­bour­hoods and hou­ses cal­led hutong (胡同) and modern skyscrap­pers. Alt­hough the cul­tu­ral her­i­ta­ge of Bei­jing con­sists of dif­fe­rent archi­tec­tu­re, histo­ri­cal remains and events –to men­tion Sum­mer Pala­ce, Tian­tan or Temp­le of Hea­ven, Gre­at Wall, Tia­nan­men Squa­re, the­re is a pla­ce whe­re eve­ryt­hing star­ted: For­bid­den city.