Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

Euro­pæ­isk pro­jekt om min­dre indu­stri­virk­som­he­ders bidrag til kulturarven

GENIUS LOCI is an EU co-fun­ded project.
Its pur­po­se is to draw atten­tion to the her­i­ta­ge of small-sca­le indu­stri­al enter­pri­ses, to (re)valuate their her­i­ta­ge sig­ni­fi­can­ce and to increa­se under­stan­ding and appre­ci­a­tion by tourists and the gene­ral public.
E‑FAITH (Euro­pe­an Fede­ra­tion of Asso­ci­a­tions of Indu­stri­al and Tech­ni­cal Her­i­ta­ge) is offe­ring its exper­ti­se and net­work to the project.

The fol­lowing sectors have been iden­ti­fied as pri­o­ri­ties for the first pha­se of the project:
1.    the tra­di­tio­nal fer­men­ted drinks indu­s­try (beer, wine, cider,…) and the pro­cess of distil­ling strong spi­rits from these
2.    clay pro­ces­sing indu­stri­es (bri­cks, til­es, roof til­es – but also refra­ctory bri­cks, pot­te­ry, drai­na­ge pipes, majolica,…)
3.    tra­di­tio­nal texti­le crafts (weaving,..) and the pro­duction of tra­di­tio­nal Euro­pe­an texti­le fibres (e.g. flax, hemp)

We are now deve­l­o­ping a data­ba­se of histo­ric sites, muse­ums and col­lections, tra­di­tio­nal craft wor­ks­hops and enter­pri­ses, and also of the intan­gib­le her­i­ta­ge lin­ked to the­se (such as indi­vi­du­als or orga­ni­sa­tions who provi­de trai­ning or other sour­ces of know­led­ge and skills asso­ci­a­ted with tra­di­tio­nal indu­stri­es, keepi­ng tra­di­tions ali­ve to be pas­sed on to futu­re generations).



For­mand for for­e­nin­gen fra 2013–17

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