EUROCLIO – the European Association of History Educators is going to host the International Scientific and Practical conference “Revolutions in contemporary history: facts, interpretations and educational strategies” in Saint-Petersburg (Russia) from 27–28 October 2017. The conference is held in cooperation with the St. Petersburg Academy of In-Service Teachers’ Training, and the St. Petersburg Branch of All-Russian public organization “Association of teachers of History and Social Sciences”.
Even though the Russian Revolution of 1917 is going to be the main focus of the conference, it will also be used as a model for analysis of other revolutionary activities, revolts and protests that took place in Europe throughout the 20th century.
The Russian Revolution of 1917 is considered the first significant revolution in Russian historiography as this revolution brought dramatic changes not only to the peoples of Russia but completely modified the whole world order and determined much of the course of history for the following seventy years. The aftermath of the Russian revolution can still be observed in current domestic, international and global politics, cultures, economies and societies.
We hope to welcome you at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Revolutions in contemporary history: facts, interpretations and educational strategies”, which promises to be an event full of sharing ideas, methods, techniques and approaches to teaching the Russian revolution and dialogue between European and Russian history educators.