Revo­lu­tions in Con­tem­porary History



27. okto­ber 2017 til 28. okto­ber 2017 
Hele dagen 


Gym­na­si­um 209
ul. Vos­sta­niya, 8, Saint Petersburg 


EUROCLIO – the Euro­pe­an Asso­ci­a­tion of History Educa­tors is going to host the Inter­na­tio­nal Sci­en­ti­fic and Pra­cti­cal con­fe­ren­ce “Revo­lu­tions in con­tem­porary history: facts, inter­pre­ta­tions and educa­tio­nal stra­te­gies” in Saint-Peters­burg (Rus­sia) from 27–28 Octo­ber 2017. The con­fe­ren­ce is held in coo­pe­ra­tion with the St. Peters­burg Aca­de­my of In-Ser­vi­ce Tea­chers’ Trai­ning, and the St. Peters­burg Branch of All-Rus­si­an public orga­niza­tion “Asso­ci­a­tion of tea­chers of History and Soci­al Sciences”.

Even though the Rus­si­an Revo­lu­tion of 1917 is going to be the main focus of the con­fe­ren­ce, it will also be used as a model for ana­ly­sis of other revo­lu­tio­nary acti­vi­ties, revolts and pro­tests that took pla­ce in Euro­pe throug­hout the 20th century.

The Rus­si­an Revo­lu­tion of 1917 is con­si­de­red the first sig­ni­fi­cant revo­lu­tion in Rus­si­an histo­ri­o­grap­hy as this revo­lu­tion brought dra­ma­tic chan­ges not only to the peop­les of Rus­sia but com­ple­te­ly modi­fied the who­le wor­ld order and deter­mi­ned much of the cour­se of history for the fol­lowing seven­ty years. The after­math of the Rus­si­an revo­lu­tion can still be obser­ved in cur­rent domestic, inter­na­tio­nal and glo­bal poli­ti­cs, cul­tu­res, eco­no­mies and societies.

We hope to welco­me you at the Inter­na­tio­nal Sci­en­ti­fic and Pra­cti­cal Con­fe­ren­ce “Revo­lu­tions in con­tem­porary history: facts, inter­pre­ta­tions and educa­tio­nal stra­te­gies”, which pro­mi­ses to be an event full of sha­ring ideas, met­hods, tech­niques and appro­a­ches to tea­ching the Rus­si­an revo­lu­tion and dia­logue betwe­en Euro­pe­an and Rus­si­an history educators.

Læs mere hos Euroclio
