Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

Euro­Clio — 30th Annu­al Con­fe­ren­ce — “(Be)longing: Con­fron­ting our memories”

25. april 2024 til 27. april 2024 
08:00 — 17:00
Hotel Bal­kan
5, pl. “Sve­ta Nede­lya” Squa­re, 1000, Sofia 

What are the factors that make you feel like you belong somewhe­re or not? Whet­her it is a pla­ce, a time, a family, a coun­try, a com­mu­ni­ty, or group of fri­ends. This see­m­ing­ly inno­cent question is key becau­se it lies at the heart of some of the main socie­tal questions of today. The rea­son is that the answers cre­a­te in and out groups that divi­de and uni­te socie­ties. Peop­le who belong seem to be entit­led to more rights than tho­se who don’t belong, per­haps most clear­ly expres­sed by poli­ti­ci­ans who sta­te that their own peop­le should come first. They do so to appe­al to the majo­ri­ty, but at the expen­se of mino­ri­ties (who come second at best).

At the same time, it is also important for any­o­ne to feel that you belong somewhe­re, that you are part of somet­hing big­ger. We, peop­le, are soci­al ani­mals, after all.

Key questions

  • What can we do to cre­a­te a spa­ce whe­re eve­ry­o­ne feels welco­me? Whet­her they are stu­dents in a clas­s­room, tea­chers at a con­fe­ren­ce, or newco­mers in a society?
  • Should history educa­tion pur­po­se­ly be used for iden­ti­ty buil­ding? To pro­mo­te a sen­se of belon­ging? Or is this instru­men­ta­li­sing history education?
  • What influ­en­ces what we remem­ber, and what we forget?
  • What are the impli­ca­tions for history educa­tion, and the use of testimonies.


Læs mere her



Søren Tor­b­jørn Svendsen
