Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

Tea­ching Euro­pe­an Inte­gra­tion. How and Why?

22. novem­ber 2019 til 24. novem­ber 2019 
Hele dagen 
Hou­se of Euro­pe­an History
rue Bél­li­ard, Bruxelles 

We are deligh­ted and honou­red to pre­sent the Trai­ning Semi­nar “Tea­ching Euro­pe­an Inte­gra­tion. How and Why?”. The Trai­ning, which is the first trai­ning orga­ni­sed by EUROCLIO and the Hou­se of Euro­pe­an History, will take pla­ce in Brus­sels, Bel­gi­um, from 22–24 Novem­ber 2019.

The Hou­se of Euro­pe­an History is a muse­um and lear­ning forum establis­hed in Brus­sels with the sup­port of the Euro­pe­an Par­li­a­ment. It aims at pro­mo­ting the know­led­ge of the history of the Euro­pe­an Uni­on, as well as the under­stan­ding that the­re are mul­tip­le per­specti­ves con­nected to it. Toget­her, we will welco­me 20 moti­va­ted history and citizens­hip educa­tors from all across Euro­pe. We will offer a pro­gram­me full of acti­ve wor­ks­hops, key­no­te lec­tu­res, feed­ba­ck ses­sions and visits to the Hou­se of Euro­pe­an History’s exhi­bi­tion. The pro­gram­me will focus on the the­me: “Tea­ching Euro­pe­an Inte­gra­tion. How and Why?”, and will make use of ori­gi­nal educa­tio­nal mate­ri­al deve­l­oped by the Hou­se of Euro­pe­an History and by EUROCLIO.

Whet­her stu­dents, and peop­le at lar­ge, like it or not, the Euro­pe­an Uni­on has a huge impa­ct on everyone’s life. Eve­ry day, in fact, Euro­pe­an citizens enjoy fre­edoms that would not have been at their dis­posal were it not for the Uni­on, and are at the same time sub­ject to rules and regu­la­tions that have been establis­hed by it. Furt­her­more, in the last deca­des, people’s iden­ti­ty has been increa­sing­ly influ­en­ced by their sen­se of belon­ging or not belon­ging to the Uni­on, ulti­ma­te­ly resul­ting in com­plex and mul­tip­le iden­ti­ty affiliations.

Nevert­he­less, stu­dents lack a clear under­stan­ding of what the Euro­pe­an Uni­on is and how it came to be. The day after the Bre­xit Refe­ren­dum (23 June 2016), for examp­le, the most resear­ched question on Goog­le in the Uni­ted King­dom was “What is the E.U.”.

With no know­led­ge of the EU and its history, it can be argu­ed, stu­dents beco­me disen­fran­chi­sed, star­ting a vicious circ­le hard to bre­ak: the less they know about the EU, the less they under­stand the impa­ct it has on them and on their iden­ti­ty, and the impa­ct they can have on it, and the less they want to know about it.

History and citizens­hip educa­tors are in a unique posi­tion: they can help stu­dents bre­ak this circ­le. They, in fact, have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to pro­mo­te, among their stu­dents, a clear under­stan­ding of the events that led to the cre­a­tion of the Euro­pe­an Uni­on, of how it fun­ctions, how it came to be, and why it is a unique insti­tu­tion, results of unique choi­ces and turns of events.

Unfortu­na­te­ly, howe­ver, tea­chers often enco­un­ter a seri­es of obsta­c­les when tack­ling the history of Euro­pe­an Inte­gra­tion in the clas­s­room. Among them, the most rele­vant are:

  1. a lack of time to devo­te to the topic;
  2. an den­se, set cur­ri­culum, which allo­ca­tes few les­sons to the history of the EU;
  3. the lack of inte­r­est from stu­dents in appro­a­ching Euro­pe­an inte­gra­tion and its history.

This trai­ning on “Tea­ching Euro­pe­an Inte­gra­tion” will focus on how tea­chers can bring the history of the Euro­pe­an Uni­on to the clas­s­room in an engag­ing and mea­ning­ful way. Par­ti­ci­pants will be equip­ped with a seri­es of rea­dy-to-use mate­ri­als to teach the history of the Euro­pe­an Inte­gra­tion, inclu­ding mate­ri­als that link the topic with natio­nal and wor­ld history, making easi­er to con­nect it with natio­nal curricula.


Throug­hout the semi­nar, par­ti­ci­pants will take part to acti­ve ses­sions (inclu­ding wor­ks­hops and feed­ba­ck ses­sion) that tack­le the history of the Euro­pe­an Uni­on from two dif­fe­rent ang­les. First, the case for tea­ching the history of the Euro­pe­an Uni­on will be made, and Euro­pe­an Inte­gra­tion will be put in the glo­bal and natio­nal con­te­xts. In the second part of the semi­nar, par­ti­ci­pants will recei­ve spe­ci­fic trai­ning on how to bring the history of Euro­pe­an Inte­gra­tion in the clas­s­room, making the con­cepts acces­sib­le to all stu­dents wit­hout sacri­fi­cing the com­ple­xi­ty of the insti­tu­tions and their history. They will also be intro­du­ced to mate­ri­al on how to discuss the Euro­pe­an Uni­on in the twen­ty-first cen­tury, and its impa­ct on glo­bal history and people’s identity.

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