Stra­te­gies for Inclu­sion Final Training


19. febru­ar 2018 til 23. febru­ar 2018 
Hele dagen 


Ham­borg Universitet
Schlüter­stras­se 1, Hamburg 


Inclu­si­ve educa­tion is a fast deve­l­o­ping aspect of tea­ching and lear­ning. One key chal­len­ge if how to move from spe­ci­al needs educa­tion to inclu­si­ve educa­tion, whi­le main­tai­ning a sen­se of equi­ty in the lear­ning outco­mes. In part­ners­hip with cen­ters of exper­ti­se and pra­cti­tio­ners, EUROCLIO offers free peda­go­gi­cal tools, gui­dan­ce for tea­chers and examp­les of pra­cti­ce to the history and citizens­hip field. We are proud to invi­te history and citizens­hip educa­tors from all over Euro­pe to take part in an inten­si­ve cour­se, full of pra­cti­cal wor­ks­hops, exci­ting school visits and engag­ing discus­sions on “How to make High-Qua­li­ty History and Citizens­hip Educa­tion more Inclu­si­ve?” The cour­se is orga­ni­sed in clo­se part­ners­hip with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hamburg.

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