Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

Pat­terns in history — Euroclio-konference


3. april 2025 til 5. april 2025 
Hele dagen 
Štefá­ni­ko­va 864/4, Bratislava 

Join us from Thurs­day, April 3 to Satur­day, April 5, 2025, for three days of ani­ma­ted discus­sions, engag­ing wor­ks­hops, and net­wor­king opportu­ni­ties. This in-per­son event will bring toget­her history educa­tors and other pro­fes­sio­nals from all over to expl­o­re the various pat­terns that have sha­ped our world.

We are proud to have retur­ning events from our Histo­ri­a­na Tea­ching & Lear­ning Team, as well as to anno­un­ce ple­nary wor­ks­hops from the SENSEI Pro­ject and Pro­ject Zero affi­li­a­tes. Our ope­ning key­no­te spe­ech is con­fir­med to be deli­ve­red by Sam Wine­burg! You can also expect our regu­lar offer of wor­ks­hops and cul­tu­ral activities.

Through this year’s con­fe­ren­ce the­me, “Pat­terns in History?”, we expl­o­re whet­her histo­ri­cal pat­terns exist, their forms, mea­nings, and impli­ca­tions, and how we can learn from them. We have three sub-the­mes: Digi­tal Educa­tionPlay­ful Educa­tion, and Non-For­mal Met­hods.

Whet­her you’re new to our events or a retur­ning visi­tor, this con­fe­ren­ce is the per­fect pla­ce to join a com­mu­ni­ty dedi­ca­ted to lear­ning and sha­ring with like-min­ded indi­vi­du­als in the field.

If you have any que­ri­es or requi­re furt­her infor­ma­tion, plea­se con­ta­ct Ivan at euro­clio [dot] eu.

Se mere hos Euroclio




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