Historielærerforeningen | Kontakt/medlemskab

Onli­ne cour­se on Onli­ne teaching

2. april 2020 til 11. juni 2020 

Is your coun­try cur­rent­ly in lock­down? Have you and your col­le­agu­es embar­ked on the chal­len­ge of onli­ne tea­ching? Are you eager to try new tea­ching stra­te­gies and tools that would allow you to keep your stu­dents hoo­k­ed on the topic even when at home, sur­ro­un­ded by many distra­ctions? A qui­ck con­ver­sa­tion with the Euro­Clio com­mu­ni­ty proves that you are not alo­neMany tea­chers from across Euro­pe are, in this very moment, desig­ning their next (onli­ne) history les­son, and won­de­ring how to make it inte­r­e­sting and infor­ma­ti­ve for 20+ tee­na­gers, in 20+ dif­fe­rent rooms.

For this rea­son, we have deve­l­oped a cour­se of seven les­sons that tack­le dif­fe­rent aspects of onli­ne tea­ching, and refer to use­ful stra­te­gies and tools. With this cour­se, who will see dif­fe­rent spe­a­kers sha­re their expe­ri­en­ces, as well as some use­ful tips and tri­cks on how to appro­ach the chal­len­ge of onli­ne tea­ching, we hope to gui­de tea­chers from all across Euro­pe in trans­fer­ring their acti­vi­ties from the clas­s­room to the web. The cour­se will be held free of charge.

Regi­ste­ring will allow you to recei­ve upda­tes on the course’s ses­sions, inclu­ding pre­views of the con­tent, remin­ders of the publi­ca­tion, and feed­ba­ck forms. At the end of the cour­se, we will relea­se a cer­ti­fi­ca­te to all educa­tors who took part to at least 5 lessons.

Course’s con­tent and calendar

Thurs­day 2 April – Onli­ne tea­ching, the basi­cs. In this ses­sion, Jacek Sta­niz­sewski and Richard Ken­net will sha­re their per­so­nal appro­a­ches to onli­ne tea­ching, and draw con­clu­sions on a seri­es of gui­ding prin­cip­les that can be applied in onli­ne tea­ching throug­hout Europe.

Thurs­day 16 April – Cre­at­ing Cohe­ren­ce, not Cha­os. This ses­sion will focus on plan­ning your onli­ne les­son, as well as the onli­ne lear­ning path for your stu­dents. It will be hosted by Helen Snel­son and Sal­ly Thorne.

Thurs­day 30 April – Sif­ting the Fabulous from the Fake. How do you make sure that stu­dents use reli­ab­le sour­ces when tack­ling your onli­ne les­sons? Find it out in this ses­sion from Ute Ack­er­mann Boeros.

Thurs­day 14 May – Ener­gy and Enga­ge­ment. This ses­sion, based on mate­ri­als deve­l­oped in the fra­mework of the Lear­ning to Disa­gree pro­ject, will out­li­ne a seri­es of tea­ching stra­te­gies on how to enga­ge your stu­dents. It will be hosted by Helen Snel­son, and focus espe­ci­al­ly on dia­logue and deba­te, an on the use of cur­rent history as a hook.

Thurs­day 28 May – Tools to com­ple­ment your tea­ching. On this day, we will publish a doub­le ses­sion on use­ful tools and web­s­i­tes that you could use to com­ple­ment the design of your les­sons. This will inclu­de Mind­Mup, Ado­be Spark, and other instru­ments to be con­fir­med. The ses­sions will be hosted by Han­nah Young and Natia Pirtskhalava.

Thurs­day 11 June – Asses­sment in the time of onli­ne tea­ching. The final les­son will be deli­ve­red by Ant­ho­ny Malo­ne, from May­noo­th Uni­ver­si­ty, a part­ner in the Lear­ning to Disa­gree pro­ject. Ant­ho­ny will focus on sha­ring tips, tri­cks, and stra­te­gies to assess your stu­dents’ com­pe­ten­ces with onli­ne instruments.

Til­mel­ding her




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