A Resi­li­ent Pro­mi­se: Tea­ching the Fragi­li­ty of Democracy


15. sep­tem­ber 2021 til 27. okto­ber 2021 


What are the chal­len­ges that demo­cra­cy is facing today?”; “How can we deal with the­se chal­len­ges?”; “Why, regard­less of them, is demo­cra­cy worth figh­ting for?”. But, most important­ly, how can we discuss the­se and more key questions about demo­cra­cy with our students?.

As the wor­ld cele­bra­tes the Inter­na­tio­nal Day of Demo­cra­cy on 15 Sep­tem­ber, we will kick off our webi­nar seri­es on “A Resi­li­ent Pro­mi­se: Tea­ching the Fragi­li­ty of Demo­cra­cy”. During 6 weeks of onli­ne events, we  will reflect not only on how to help our stu­dents learn about demo­cra­cy, but also how they can con­tri­bu­te to making it more stab­le and safe.

The Design of this Webi­nar Series

The seri­es will con­sist of five ses­sions. It will kick off with a key­no­te on the allu­re of aut­ho­ri­ta­ri­a­nism and on modern populism, hosted by Prof. Takis S Pap­pas, which will help us set the tone for futu­re ses­sions by put­ting us in touch with first-hand expe­ri­en­ce of indi­vi­du­als who were part of extre­mist groups in their youth, what appe­a­led to them, and how did they deci­de to lea­ve this path and pro­mo­te demo­cra­cy and
under­stan­ding. The key­no­te lec­tu­re will take pla­ce on 15 Sep­tem­ber 2021 at 17:00 (Amster­dam Time), and it will be fol­lowed by three acti­ve wor­ks­hops. Each wor­ks­hop will give par­ti­ci­pants pra­cti­cal advi­ce and access to tools to promote:

  • An under­stan­ding of what is fre­edom of expres­sion, how it is exerci­sed in a sen­si­ti­ve man­ner, and what does it mean to sit in discom­fort. This wor­ks­hop will be hosted by Dr. Bjorn Wan­sink and the team of Ter­In­fo, and will take pla­ce on 30 Sep­tem­ber 2021 at 16:00 (Amster­dam Time). We are cur­rent­ly fina­li­sing the descrip­tion, and will cre­a­te a dedi­ca­ted page as soon as pos­sib­le. The dates are con­fir­med, and you can alre­a­dy regi­ster to this wor­ks­hop by cli­ck­ing on the but­ton on the right!
  • An under­stan­ding of the history of demo­cra­cy. This wor­ks­hop will be hosted by Gijs van Gaans, and is inspi­red by the eLear­ning Acti­vi­ty on “What can we learn from the Anci­ent Gre­eks for demo­cra­cy today?”. It will take pla­ce on 12 Octo­ber 2021 at 17:00 (Amster­dam Time). We are cur­rent­ly fina­li­sing the descrip­tion, and will cre­a­te a dedi­ca­ted page as soon as pos­sib­le. The dates are con­fir­med, and you can alre­a­dy regi­ster to this wor­ks­hop by cli­ck­ing on the but­ton on the right!
  • Enga­ge­ment and Acti­vism. This wor­ks­hop will be hosted by Prof. Dr. Rolf Gol­lob (Zurich Uni­ver­si­ty of Tea­cher Educa­tion), and will take pla­ce on 19 Octo­ber 2021 at 17:00 (Amster­dam Time). The dates are con­fir­med, and you can alre­a­dy regi­ster to this wor­ks­hop by cli­ck­ing on the but­ton on the right!

The webi­nar seri­es will clo­se with an inte­r­a­cti­ve ses­sion whe­re par­ti­ci­pants will have the opportu­ni­ty to sha­re the obsta­c­les they enco­un­ter when tal­king about demo­cra­cy in their clas­s­room, and to discuss appro­a­ches on how to overco­me the­se obsta­c­les. This ses­sion is cur­rent­ly set to take pla­ce on 27 Octo­ber 2021 at 17:00 (Amster­dam Time).

We will gene­ra­te dedi­ca­te event pages for each ses­sion as soon as possible!

What will we learn?

During the webi­nar seri­es, we will:

  • Discuss how dif­fe­rent gene­ra­tions may view democracy;
  • Discuss the role that expres­sing extre­me viewpo­ints has in the classroom;
  • Discuss best pra­cti­ces for tea­chers as agents of change;
  • Inve­sti­ga­te the dif­fe­rent demo­cra­tic acti­vi­ties that are avai­lab­le for young people;
  • Be intro­du­ced to tips and tri­cks to lead deba­tes invol­ving con­tra­sting points of view;
  • Discuss your expe­ri­en­ces regar­ding the chal­len­ges that non-demo­cra­tic systems pose for the future.

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